Source code for finalynx.fetch.source_finary

import json
import os
from typing import Any
from typing import Dict
from typing import Optional

import finary_uapi.__main__ as ff
import finary_uapi.constants
import finary_uapi.user_portfolio
from requests import Session
from rich.prompt import Confirm
from rich.tree import Tree

from ..config import get_active_theme as TH
from ..console import console
from .source_base_line import SourceBaseLine

[docs]class SourceFinary(SourceBaseLine): """Wrapper class for the `finary_uapi` package.""" _categories = [ "fiats", "securities", "cryptos", "fonds_euro", "startups", "precious_metals", "scpis", "generic_assets", "real_estates", "loans", "crowdlendings", ] def __init__( self, force_signin: bool = False, name: str = "Finary", cache_validity: int = 12, ) -> None: """This class manages all interactions with your Finary account, namely: 1. **Authentication**: The function starts by signing you in with the following sequence of attempts: - First, the function looks for environment variables named `FINARY_EMAIL` and `FINARY_PASSWORD` containing your credentials. If those are set, they will take priority over all other signin methods. - Second, if a file named `finary_cookies.txt` already exists in this same directory (which contains the session of a previous signin), it will skip the login step and retrieve the saved sessions. - Third, if neither the environment variables nor the cookies file exist, the function will manually ask for the credentials in the console. 2. **Fetch the data**: Once the session is active, all investments declared in Finary are fetched. 3. **Populate the portfolio:** Finally, each fetched investment is matched against either the `name` or `key` value of each `Line` object defined in your `Portfolio` and updated in the tree. 4. **Cache the data:** Once the data has been fetched, all data is saved to a local file to reduce the frequency of calls to Finary API and enable the usage of this module offline temporarily. ```{note} Finalynx will ask you if you want to save two files: - `finary_credentials.json`: This file would store your credentials in a plain text file, which might be used by `finary_uapi` to refresh your session (to be confirmed). However, this is not recommended since only storing the session is more secure and you can always enter your credentials again from occasionally. - `finary_cookies.txt`: This file stores the session created after a successful login (without your plain credentials). It is recommended to save it if you don't want to enter your credentials on each run. You can run Finalynx with the `-f` or `--force-signin` option to delete all files and start over. ``` :param force_signin: Delete all saved credentials, cookies and cache files before logging in again, defaults to False :param cache_validity: Finalynx will save fetched results to a file and reuse them on the next run if the cache age is less than the specified number of hours. :returns: Returns a tree view of all fetched investments, which can be printed to the console to make sure everything was correctly found. """ super().__init__(name, cache_validity) self.force_signin = force_signin
[docs] def _authenticate(self) -> Optional[Session]: """Internal method used to signin and retrieve a session from Finary. Called by `_fetch_data` once, only exists for better logic separation. :returns: A session for fetching data if everything worked, None otherwise. """ # Let the user reset its credentials and session if self.force_signin: if os.path.exists(finary_uapi.constants.COOKIE_FILENAME): os.remove(finary_uapi.constants.COOKIE_FILENAME) if os.path.exists(finary_uapi.constants.CREDENTIAL_FILE): if not Confirm.ask( "Reuse saved credentials? Otherwise, they will also be deleted.", default=True, ): os.remove(finary_uapi.constants.CREDENTIAL_FILE) # Get the user credentials if there's no session yet (through environment variables or manual input) if not os.path.exists(finary_uapi.constants.COOKIE_FILENAME): # Skip credential input if it was already set in environment variables if os.environ.get("FINARY_EMAIL") and os.environ.get("FINARY_PASSWORD"): self._log("Found credentials in environment variables, logging in.") # Ask for manual input if credentials and session are missing else: credentials = {} if os.path.exists(finary_uapi.constants.CREDENTIAL_FILE): self._log("Found saved credentials, logging in.") cred_file = open(finary_uapi.constants.CREDENTIAL_FILE) credentials = json.load(cred_file) else: self._log("Credentials in environment variables not set, asking for manual input.") credentials["email"] = console.input("Enter your Finary [yellow bold]email[/]: ") credentials["password"] = console.input( "Enter your Finary [yellow bold]password[/]: ", password=True ) if Confirm.ask( f"Would like to save your credentials in [green]'{finary_uapi.constants.CREDENTIAL_FILE}'[/]?", default=False, show_default=True, ): with open(finary_uapi.constants.CREDENTIAL_FILE, "w") as f: f.write(json.dumps(credentials, indent=4)) os.environ["FINARY_EMAIL"] = credentials["email"] os.environ["FINARY_PASSWORD"] = credentials["password"] # Login to Finary with the existing cookies file or credentials in environment variables and retrieve data if os.environ.get("FINARY_EMAIL") and os.environ.get("FINARY_PASSWORD"): self._log("Signing in to Finary...") with console.status( f"""[bold {TH().ACCENT}]Signing in to Finary...[/] """ """[dim white](Type your 2FA code if prompted and press [italic]Enter[/], """ """it will remain invisible while you type)""", spinner_style=TH().ACCENT, ): result = ff.signin() self._log("Signed in to Finary.") if result is None or result["response"]["status"] != "complete": self._log( "[red][bold]Failed to signin to Finary![/] Deleting credentials and cookies, please try again.[/]" ) if os.path.exists(finary_uapi.constants.CREDENTIAL_FILE): os.remove(finary_uapi.constants.CREDENTIAL_FILE) return None self._log(f"Successfully signed in, saving session in '{finary_uapi.constants.COOKIE_FILENAME}'") elif os.path.exists(finary_uapi.constants.COOKIE_FILENAME): self._log("Found cookies file, retrieving session.") else: self._log("[bold red]No credentials file, environment variables, or cookies file. Skipping fetching.[/]") return None # Get session stored in cookies file session: Session = ff.prepare_session() # Delete login variables just in case if os.environ.get("FINARY_EMAIL"): os.environ.pop("FINARY_EMAIL") if os.environ.get("FINARY_PASSWORD"): os.environ.pop("FINARY_PASSWORD") return session
[docs] def _fetch_data(self, tree: Tree) -> None: """Overridden method used to fetch every investment in your Finary account. :returns: A dictionary of all fetched investments (name:amount format). This method also populates the `tree` instance with a hierarchical view of the fetched information. The `tree` instance can be displayed in the console to make sure everything was retrieved. """ # Retrieve the user session from cache, environment variables, or manual login session = self._authenticate() if not session: raise ValueError("Finary signin failed.") # Call the API and parse the response into `FetchLine` instances with console.status( f"[bold {TH().ACCENT}]Fetching investments from Finary...", spinner_style=TH().ACCENT, ): response = ff.get_holdings_accounts(session) if response["message"] == "OK": for dict_account in response["result"]: self._process_account(dict_account, tree)
[docs] def _process_account(self, dict_account: Dict[str, Any], tree: Tree) -> None: account_name = dict_account["name"] node = tree.add(account_name if not dict_account["fiats"] else dict_account["institution"]["name"]) for item in dict_account["fiats"]: if dict_account["bank_account_type"]["subtype"] == "credit": amount = -item["display_current_value"] else: amount = item["display_current_value"] self._register_fetchline( tree_node=node, name=account_name, id=item["id"], account=dict_account["institution"]["name"], amount=amount, currency=item["fiat"]["symbol"], ) for item in dict_account["securities"]: self._register_fetchline( tree_node=node, name=item["security"]["name"], id=item["id"], account=account_name, amount=item["display_current_value"], currency=item["security"]["display_currency"]["symbol"], ) for item in dict_account["crowdlendings"]: self._register_fetchline( tree_node=node, name=item["name"], id=item["id"], account=account_name, amount=item["display_current_price"], currency=item["currency"]["symbol"], ) for item in dict_account["cryptos"]: self._register_fetchline( tree_node=node, name=item["crypto"]["name"], id=item["id"], account=account_name, amount=item["display_current_value"], currency=item["buying_price_currency"]["symbol"], ) for item in dict_account["fonds_euro"]: self._register_fetchline( tree_node=node, name=item["name"], id=item["id"], account=account_name, amount=item["display_current_value"], currency=dict_account["display_currency"]["symbol"], ) for item in dict_account["precious_metals"]: self._register_fetchline( tree_node=node, name=item["precious_metal"]["name"], id=item["id"], account=account_name, amount=item["display_current_value"], currency=item["precious_metal"]["display_currency"]["symbol"], ) for item in dict_account["startups"]: self._register_fetchline( tree_node=node, name=item["startup"]["name"], id=item["id"], account=account_name, amount=item["display_current_value"], currency=item["currency"]["symbol"], ) for item in dict_account["scpis"]: self._register_fetchline( tree_node=node, name=item["scpi"]["name"], id=item["id"], account=account_name, amount=item["display_current_value"], currency=item["scpi"]["display_currency"]["symbol"], ) for item in dict_account["generic_assets"]: self._register_fetchline( tree_node=node, name=item["name"], id=item["id"], account=account_name, amount=item["display_current_value"], currency=item["currency"]["symbol"], ) for item in dict_account["real_estates"]: self._register_fetchline( tree_node=node, name=item["description"], id=item["id"], account=account_name, amount=item["display_current_value"], currency=dict_account["display_currency"]["symbol"], ) for item in dict_account["loans"]: self._register_fetchline( tree_node=node, name=account_name, id=item["id"], account=account_name, amount=-round(dict_account["display_balance"]), currency=dict_account["display_currency"]["symbol"], )